
Traffic police officers banned from carrying firearms while on duty

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Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Police Mirriam Muli cited misuse of firearms by traffic police officers.

Police officers discharging their traffic duties will no longer be allowed to carry firearms.

Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Police Mirriam Muli announced on Thursday via a memo addressed to all regional police bosses across the country.

"It has been noted with great concern that officers actively engaged in traffic duties are armed (carrying firearms). This has resulted in misuse of the firearms by the officers.

"From today, November 30, 2023, no officer actively on Traffic duties will carry a firearm. Commanders ensure that this directive is complied with promptly. Confirm copied and compliance," reads the memo.

She also instructed the commanders to ensure that the directive is enforced promptly.

The directive came hours after the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) CEO Twalib Mbarak urged Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome to disarm all traffic police officers across the country.

Mbarak cited some rogue traffic police officers are using state-issued firearms to confront EACC detectives when they are caught soliciting bribes on roads.

EACC had on Thursday arrested three traffic police officers over bribery along Mai Mahiu road.

Twalib said the EACC officers managed to arrest two officers, who were openly receiving bribes from motorists, but one managed to escape.

One of the officers tried to fire at them obstructing his arrest.

"He was armed and tried to fire at our officers. Fortunately, there were no injuries, but he managed to escape," Twalib said.

"We will charge them for taking bribes, and for that one policeman who shot and disappeared, we would charge him for threatening the life of staff."

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